Full-Service Postpartum Care
Lactation Services
If you are a mom dealing with sore or damaged nipples, having difficulty getting baby to latch or stay latched at the breast, or have a baby that is struggling to get back to their birth weight, then The Hearth Mother is ready to help!
The Hearth Mother offers in-home consultations so you don't need to worry about transporting yourself and your newborn for lactation support! You stay in the comfort of home to learn breastfeeding where you can both rest and recover, using the tools that you have available. Using The Hearth Mother, Lactation Services, also means you can depend on 1-on-1 care from the same provider at every consult, every session includes a personalized care plan that reviews anything we discussed as well as a HIPPA compliant private messaging platform for those questions that might come to mind afterwards, and your spouse or other support person is always welcome to attend. Booking a session is convenient and can be done online, anytime, and most appointments can be scheduled promptly to give you the care you need, when you need it! Most importantly, your questions and concerns will always be heard and we will work together to give you and your baby, the best support!
Be sure to look over my products and packages and reserve the care you and your baby deserve!
Postpartum Doula Services
Sometimes birth and postpartum don't turn out the way we expected! To add to an already complex transition, it is not uncommon for mothers to have 6-8 weeks before their first postpartum doctors visit! If your labor and delivery were less than ideal, or your postpartum recovery is taking more time and energy than you were planning,
The Hearth Mother can help you get back on track to feeling like yourself again!
Even the best delivery experience can leave moms feeling unheard, or unseen, and every new baby means a lot of adjustments at home and in the family dynamics. As your postpartum doula I will help you heal physically and emotionally by caring for you, so that you can focus on your baby.
Some of the ways postpartum doulas can help are:
Care for baby (diaper changes, baths, soothing, and tummy time, bottle preparation, umbilical care)
Care for mom (physical and emotional support after delivery, ensuring time for rest and recovery)
Care for family (light meal preparations, help tending to older children, laundry, tidying up around the home)
Additionally, once you are a client you will have the following benefits:
Access to the same doula anytime you have questions via text and phone event before baby is born
HIPAA compliant private messaging, food and mood journal, and easy access to handouts, and personalized care plan with the client portal (click to see example)
Availability to use your postpartum hours before baby arrives to help prepare yourself, your family, and your home for baby (i.e. setting up nursery, assembling/organizing baby items, setting up a safe co-sleeping space, preparing meals to freeze, etc.)
Much like a birth doula helps to guide you through the transitions of labor, delivery, and the early postpartum time, as a postpartum doula, I help you and your family navigate the transitions of having a new baby at home! I invite you to look over my postpartum services and reserve your time even before baby arrives!
Schedule A Free Informational Call
Have Questions About Your Postpartum Needs?
If you still aren't sure what you need for your postpartum care, you owe it to yourself to schedule this FREE call to discuss the options available to make sure you get the personalized care for yourself, your baby and your family!