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Welcome to Community Resources

Supporting Mothers. Strengthening Families.

2024 Grab, Go, & Grow Community Baby Shower

Thank you for stopping by The Hearth Mother's resource table and Mother's Tent at the 2024 Community Action Pathways HUB event: Grab Go & Grow Community Baby Shower!  As owner of The Hearth Mother postpartum and lactation services, I hope I was able to answer any questions you might have had about about my business or how my business might be able to help you and your family.  I have put together some resources and special offers just for you, and hope I am able to help support you and your family in your journey!

Claiming Your FREE Breastfeeding Basics Class

If you are still expecting your bundle of joy to arrive sometime this year, you can use the coupon code on the back of your card to attend an online Breastfeeding Basics class for free! 


You typically want to attend one of the courses a month before your expected due date, but pick the class date that best fits your schedule from the following:

June 11
July 16
August 13
September 17
October 15
November 12
December 17

Pregnant belly
Mother Smiling With Newborn Baby

Other Available Offers

If the dates for the free online Breastfeeding Basics class don't work for you, or if you have already given birth to your little bundle of joy you can still use the coupon code on the back of the card to receive $20 off the following services:

Feeding Assessment (In-Home)

Pumping Consultation (In-Home)

Breastfeeding Basics Class (In-Home)

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